People Enjoy The Job That They Love

A woman has the age she deserves. You can’t just buy things for the label – it’s ridiculous. We live in an era of globalization and the era of the woman. Never in the history of the world have women been more in control of their destiny. We live in an era of globalization and the era of the woman. Never in the history of the world have women been more in control of their destiny. There has to be a balance between your mental satisfaction and the financial needs of your company.

Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. Attitude is everything. I always loved aesthetics. Not particularly fashion, but an idea of beauty. I sometimes feel that a pattern is almost a fashion statement in itself. A woman is never sexier than when she is comfortable in her clothes.

I like the things around me to be beautiful and slightly dreamy, with a feeling of worldliness. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I never look at other people’s work. My mind has to be completely focused on my own illusions. A lot of self-importance goes on in the fashion industry. I’m not like that. Every day I’m thinking about change.

Age is something only in your head or a stereotype. Age means nothing when you are passionate about something. You have to stay true to your heritage; that’s what your brand is about. Grunge is a hippied romantic version of punk. Dressing up. People just don’t do it anymore. We have to change that. I am convinced that you don’t need to spend a fortune to look like a million.

You have to be luxurious nude. It’s difficult to move in the nude in front of a mirror. It’s much easier to move when you’re dressed. But if you can walk around in the nude easily in front of your man, if you can be luxurious in the nude, then you’ve really got it. Comfort is very important to me. I think people live better in big houses and in big clothes. It’s really easy to get colors right. It’s really hard to get black – and neutrals – right. Black is certainly a color but it’s also an illusion. I have my favourite fashion decade, yes, yes, yes: ’60s. It was a sort of little revolution; the clothes were amazing but not too exaggerated. Dressing is a way of life.

You can only go forward by making mistakes. I think it’s an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable. I think it’s the responsibility of a designer to try to break rules and barriers. My job is to bring out in people what they wouldn’t dare do themselves. Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.

Jeans represent democracy in fashion. Fashion moves so quickly that, unless you have a strong point of view, you can lose integrity. I’d like to believe that the women who wear my clothes are not dressing for other people, that they’re wearing what they like and what suits them. It’s not a status thing. My aim is to make the poor look rich and the rich look poor. That is the key of this collection, being yourself. Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.

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